Our Journey to Here and Now...


Laura has been in the Health and Wellness industry for many years, transitioning from an esthetician to a certified Health Coach. I was not really in to health until my brother invited us to hike Half Dome in Yosemite about 6 years ago when I was 58. That training got the two of us out in to the wilderness where we fell in love with hiking and backpacking. We have been doing it ever since. I enjoy climbing and hiking the largest mountains in the lower 48, including Mt. Shasta and Mt. Whitney. Laura has been sidelined to an extent due to a fierce battle with Lyme Disease. Her battle with Lyme has open our eyes to the severity of the disease, and the reluctance of Western Medicine to acknowledge it. This has taught us a lot about Eastern Medicine and other modalities that are effective and without the side effects that come from pharmaceutical drugs. We call this God's Pharmacy. The more we study the science of healthy aging and its role in longevity, the more we realized there are some key elements that we all need to be fairly good at. You will discover these as you join us on our journey.

We hope you will follow our journey as we venture in to new discoveries, in our health, your health, and beyond.